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Italian press ponders Monti's next move

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Italian press ponders Monti's next move

Mario Monti

In the wake of the resignation of Mario Monti's government, Italian papers speculate on what the man they like to call "the professor" will do next.
Mr Monti has been keeping his cards close to his chest, but is expected to announce on Sunday whether or not he will play an active role in next year's parliamentary election.
Several papers seize on "rumours" that he will decide not to enter into the fray, but will instead take on the role of a kind of moral authority in the country.

Il Sole 24 Ore

The curtain falls on the government of technocrats. Regarding Monti's next moves, and the way in which the professor will be involved in politics in 2013, there is still uncertainty.

La Repubblica

Now there are doubts as to whether he will stand. Ministerial sources continue to maintain that the professor is tormented by doubts and is still considering what to do.

La Repubblica's "Indiscreto" blog

What if Monti is having second thoughts? This is no idle question. The possibility that he could decide not to stand in the election is becoming a real one.

Il Fatto Quotidiano

It's by no means certain that the professor will announce that he is throwing his hat into the ring. On the contrary. Indeed, over the last few hours, scepticism has started to prevail with regard to his direct involvement in the election campaign. [He might instead opt for] a supra-party role, that of a moral guide for the future of Italy based on the credibility and prestige he has achieved over these months at the helm.

Paolo Rastelli in Corriere della Sera

What if Monti thinks better of standing? The theory gaining ground at the moment is that Monti will, at Sunday's press conference, simply set out a programme for Italy to follow (European, liberal, united, with fair taxes, dedicated to innovation, capable of attracting investment and offering young people a future) and then leave the parties free to adopt it as their own. For the moment, however, this is merely a hypothesis.

Matteo Bartocci in Il Manifesto

As a senator for life, Monti cannot stand as part of a party list, but tomorrow he will disclose whether or not he will be the head of a neo-Christian Democrat coalition (difficult) or restrict himself to conferring his "logo" and programme as a kind of franchise on the various forces active in the political centre. In any case, it will be a tricky decision.

Ninni Andriolo in L'Unita

Monti is leaving and is not fighting to give an encore. These are the rumours leaking out of the Palazzo Chigi [the prime minister's office]. The professor will speak tomorrow at a press conference at which he will outline his agenda for the future of Italy - which will not be his campaign manifesto, but a detailed memorandum to the next government.
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