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UN Climate Change Negotiations 2012: India acquires key role in tech transfer for combating climate change

Friday 7 December 2012

UN Climate Change Negotiations 2012: India acquires key role in tech transfer for combating climate change:

DOHA: India has acquired a key role in technology transfer for combating climate change after the country took a lead role in an agreement for a mechanism on transferring of expertise to developing countries. 

Technology Information, Forecasting and Assessment Council (TIFAC) an autonomous organization under the Department of Science & Technology has been selected as one of the nine institutions comprising the Climate Technology Centre and Network, which forms the core of the technology mechanism. 

The mechanism, agreed 20 years after it was first proposed, brings some cheer to the UN-sponsored climate negotiations at Doha, where talks have been blocked by sharp differences between developing and industrialized countries. 

India has had a lead role in helping formulate and forge this agreement on the technology transfer and development mechanism. The technology transfer and development mechanism has been envisaged as a global partnership between the developed and developing worlds in the effort to deal with climate change. 

Technology is a key pillar of an agreement on climate change and is central to any balanced outcome. It is crucial as developing countries, particularly the more vulnerable and less developed, do not have the financial or technical wherewithal to develop technologies that are necessary to deal with the adverse impacts of climate change. 

The mechanism was expected to have been in place last year and operational in 2012 but there was no consensus. There were differences over the composition of the advisory board of the climate technology centre and network, the relationship between the financial and technology mechanism, and the relationship between the technology executive centre and climate technology centres. These issues have now been resolved. 

For India, the only sticking point remains on the contentious issue of intellectual property rights on which there is no agreement between the developed and developing countries. However, this is unlikely to come in the way of operationalising the technology mechanism. 

New Delhi has had an active role in forging an agreement on technology. It had put forward a proposal for a two-tiered mechanism during negotiations in 2010. Realising that the issue of intellectual property rights could hobble consensus on the technology mechanism, New Delhi had suggested dialogue on contentious issues should continue even as the mechanism was being established and operationalised. 

India, EU and G-77 and China support a structure in which the climate technology centres report to the technology executive committee, which is turn reports to the Conference of Parties, the supreme decision making body under the aegis of the UN. 

The consensus worked out is that the chair and vice-chair of the technology executive committee will be part of the advisory board of the climate technology network. It has also been decided that more work will be put into defining the relationship between the climate technology centres and the technology executive committee over the next year. 

The disagreement on the issue of composition of the advisory board for the climate technology centre and network has also been addressed, with a compromise being effected. The EU and US had proposed that half the members are from the industrialised countries and the remaining 50 per cent from developing countries. This was not acceptable to the G-77 and China which would like a 75 per cent representation from the developing countries and 25 per cent from industrialised countries. 

The setting up of the climate technology centre and network is a major success for the climate change negotiations process. The mechanism for technology transfer would make it possible for developing countries to have access to technology that would help them deal with the adverse effects of climate change. 

The seven organizations apart from the UNEP and TIFAC which will form this network are DNV (Norway), GEF, International Clean Energy Partnership Association (Germany), South South Global Assets and Technology Exchnage (China), National Council on Climate Change (Indonesia), Instituto Technologico de Costa Rica (Costa Rica) and Research Institute of Petroleum Industry ( Iran).
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